Homecoming 2008 was super fun! Colin directed the band at the bonfire, the parade, and the football game, and I watched and cheered him on! It was fun to reunite with our Baylor friends and take part in the traditions that we love. I even took two of the dogs to the parade!
Here is a picture of me and Savannah (the black lab) and Charlotte (the silly white dog rolling in the grass) at the parade with one of my good friends from college, Tara.

Here is picture of Colin directing the band in the parade!!
The game was even really good, for Baylor football. :) We were tied with Missouri, a ranked team in the Big XII Conference, until the last few minutes of the game, which shows to me that Baylor football is on the rise!! I played with the Alumni Band in the Script Baylor show at halftime. It was really fun to participate in the band like I did back when I was in college with all of my friends!! Below is a picture of the Script Baylor show at halftime--the people in gold shirts in the "B" are the Alumni Band! YEA alums!!