Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be - Robert Browning

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 -- New Year, New Resolutions

2011 promises to be a year of great change and (hopefully!) lots of excitement for Colin and I.  Colin will be finishing up school, we will be moving to an unknown destination, and will be able to experience all of the anticipation and enjoyment that comes with those experiences.  The turn from the previous year to the new year is always one of my favorite times as it allows one to reflect on the happenings of the previous year and make decisions to direct one's life onward and ever upward in the coming year.  That being said, I thought that I would share some McKenzie New Year's resolutions as we prepare to make the most of 2011:

*Lose weight :)
*Find jobs
*Move successfully
*Walk the dogs more and live a generally more healthy lifestyle

What are your New Year's resolutions?  We wish you the best of luck with 2011!