So many exciting things have been happening in our lives lately! On May 2, Colin successfully defended his dissertation and is now Dr. McKenzie (he will not walk until December but is Dr. on paper). We immediately left for Statesboro, Georgia, to look for a place to live and so that Colin could meet with some students and faculty before GSU's semester was over. We found a wonderful house and are so excited to move there! It is the nicest place we will have ever lived since we have been married, and, for the first time, we will have a walk-in closet! For more pictures of the new house, click
here. We also were able to spend a day in Savannah, which is a super fun city, and even got to walk on the beach at Tybee Island. We are so excited to be moving to such a vibrant area and cannot wait to move. Now, we just have to finish packing (yuck!) and then will be ready to move over Memorial Day weekend!
New house in Statesboro! |