We are now settled into our new home in Statesboro, Georgia. We left over Memorial Day weekend and took two days to drive from Michigan to Georgia. The move was very long and stressful--our GPS led us down an off-the-beaten path route (meaning no interstate travel) through the mountains in Eastern Kentucky and Tennessee, which would have been beautiful if it hadn't added five extra hours to our trip and if Colin wasn't trying to drive a twenty-six foot Penske truck with a car trailer attached to it on windy mountain roads. We had a hotel reservation in Charlotte, North Carolina, where we were going to stay the night. We originally thought we would be there by 10 PM, but did not arrive until 3 AM, where Colin promptly fell down a hill and bruised a rib and scraped up his \face. After a terrible day of driving, we went to sleep and finally got to Statesboro the next day where we unloaded the truck at our beautiful new house! Special thanks to my sister Amber for helping me drive the Honda and for enduring the move from hell with us. I would have fallen asleep at the wheel multiple times were it not for her accompanying us. Colin and I have since decided that the next time we decide to move, we are hiring movers! :)
Once we had unloaded the truck, we got into the car, dropped the puppies off at the kennel, and made our way to Columbus, Georgia, for Colin's youngest brother Andy's wedding. We were so blessed to be able to see most of the Garcia and McKenzie relatives including both sets of grandparents and some cousins from North Carolina. We were also super excited to get to hang out with Ian, Colin's middle brother, and his wife Meredith. We always have a great time with them and do not get to see them often as Ian is in the Army. It was a great time to see family and congratulations to Andy and Renee, the newest addition to the McKenzie family! We then returned home to start the task of unpacking and setting up the house. We were happy to have Colin's mom come to visit us this week and had fun showing her our new hometown. Now we just need to finish unpacking everything!
Andy and Renee, the Bride and Groom |
Mom McKenzie, Ian, Meredith and Mandie at Andy and Renee's Wedding Reception |
Colin and Mandie at Andy and Renee's Wedding Reception |
Mandie and Mom McKenzie at Andy and Renee's Wedding Reception |
I am going to Texas to visit family and friends next weekend and will be there for a week and a half or so, so Colin will be enjoying the bachelor life while I am away. He has plenty to keep him busy as he prepares for marching season with his new band! Colin officially starts his new job on July 1, and then we will be back in the swing of football season before we know it! I will post pictures of the new house as soon as we finish putting everything away (probably early next week).
Wow, so so sorry to hear the news~! Hopefully settling into your new home will detract from the nightmare of moving!