This past week, Colin and I went down to Houston to visit my parents and to work registration at the Texas Music Teachers Association convention. On Wednesday night, we went to Minute Maid Park to watch the Astros take on the Chicago Cubs. The Astros won 2-1 and it was super fun! The highlight of the night was when the Astros marketing guys came up to our section and told my mom that because of her seat, if the Astros hit a grand slam in the next inning, she would win $25,000. Of course, she didn't win, but they did put her up on the big screen with the mascot and made her wave for the camera. She was embarassed, but it was really funny. Then, Colin and I went to work the convention. It was long hours, but lucrative, and we enjoyed seeing friends of ours who also graduated from Baylor who were also working the convention. All in all, it was another fun weekend achieved before we make the big move to Michigan!
Some pics from the Astros game:
Minute Maid Park

Dad and Colin

Mandie and Mom

Mandie and Colin!!

Mom and Dad

We were just at minute maid a few sundays ago! Thanks for joining and entering my giveaway!!